Thursday, August 18, 2016

Black & Brights Classroom Reveal

This year, I am changing so much in my classroom! I moved from desks to flexible seating and I moved around so many things! I am so excited to see how this year goes!

The view as you walk into the room. The lighting in my classroom isn't the best! But, I am happy for the bright colors with the black accent! I have four tables that are "home seats" for my students. Each day when they start school, they start in their home seat! Then, we move through flexible seating throughout the day. In their table bins, they store their pencils, erasers, and crayons! 

My home away form home!! I store my super improver wall, all my supplies, and the technology behind me! I also use this table for all my small group lessons! I love my little area!

I have the technology spot next to my desk. The green container stores all the iPads and I have the dish holders for all of our chrome books! (We did not have chrome books yet, so I used folders to show you how it works)
This black bulletin board houses all of my goals for the week! We have class goals for each subject and weekly goals for each student. They put their weekly goal on a sticky note and add it to the board. 

My reading center is usually my students favorite spot. They love sitting in this area and curling up with a good book!

Here are some of my flexible seating options! The sitting table and yoga mats have already become favorites for my kids!

This is where my students store most of their supplies. They are on teams and when we need a supply (glue, scissors, or dry erase boards) the team leader goes back and grabs that drawer. Then, the students have to find their team leader and grab their supply. It has been working PERFECTLY so far!

My math station houses my math anchor charts and all my math supplies! I love that everything is easy access for students and that everything is stored in one place! 

Lastly, my storage space. I store everything in these three areas! I also love to store my DOJO prizes and birthday wall up on these storage bins too!  Right next to the storage bins are all my book bins for daily 5! Here the students also store all their writing and reading notebooks or folders! On top are my monthly boxes and my IEP boxes!

I LOVE this board! I love displaying students writing samples each month! The students love it too!

Lastly, is my writing center. I house all my writing and word work centers in the 10 drawer bin. I house pens and fun writing utensils on the desk. I add some fun prompts and extras on the desk, as well. Then, I add goals right above the table. Up top is where I display student work. I have a divided room so that ugly wall has been quite a challenge for me! But, I am happy for now!

Thanks so much for joining me along on this room tour! I can't wait to see what this year has to offer!

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